The official SerpentFactions rules must be followed everywhere on Cygnus Dimension, but there are some special rules that apply just to Factions.
General Faction Rules
Left & Right Shooting Cannons that can shoot Left or Right in order to bypass walls are NOT allowed. 1st Offence: 1 Final Warning & Removal of the Cannon. 2nd Offence: 1 Faction Strike, Temp Ban players who are involved on the raid & Removal of the Cannon.
Wall Removers, T-Nukes, Horizontal Nuking Wall removers, T-Nukes, and anything that nukes horizontally to the side are NOT allowed. Also, 1 Stacker Cannons that have multiple barrels making more than 1 hole per button press are completely disallowed. Anti-patch cannons are allowed. 1st Offence: 1 Final Warning & Removal of the Cannon. 2nd Offence: 1 Faction Strike, Temp Ban players who are involved on the raid & Removal of the Cannon.
Raid Detectors Redstone Checkboxes or any defense to do with redstone, or the use of any Triggerbot to notify you whilst being raided by detecting TNT in your faction land is NOT allowed. 1st Offence: 1 Faction Strike & Removal of the walls.
Lag Cannons/Machines Lag Cannons/Machines that are made or used intentionally to lag the server are NOT allowed. 1st Offence: 2 Factions Strikes & Perma Ban players who are involved.
World Border Cannoning Cannons that shoot on or past the world border are NOT allowed. Border back stacking it’s also prohibited. 1st Offence: Rollback to the defending faction, Temp Ban player(s) who are involved & 1 Faction Strike.
Covering/Removing Spawners Factions may only remove spawners via mining. Whilst being raided blocking/lava/water/TNT/Cegging/chunk busting your spawners is prohibited. 1st Offence: 1 Faction Strike. 2nd Offence: 2 Faction Strikes & and Temp Ban player(s) involved.
Illegal Patching Printer patching or gen patching whilst being raided is NOT allowed. 1st Offence: 1 Faction Strike. 2nd Offence: 2 Faction Strikes.
Raiding Cooldown ●A raid will become inactive if a watered wall isn't breached or destroyed by the attacking faction 15 mins after their last shot. ●After a raid becomes inactive, the attacking faction must leave the defending factions walls. ●You must wait 30 minutes from when the raid becomes inactive to attempt that base again. 1st Offence: 1 Final Warning. 2nd Offence: 1 Faction Strike.
Cannon Swap During a raid, you may only use 1 raid claim/cannon box. This means that the raid claim/cannon box you started the raid with, must be used for the entire raid! You are NOT allowed to switch cannon box or raid claim during a raid. This means if the defending faction breaches your cannon box you are not allowed to switch cannon box or raid claim within 30 minutes from your last shot (this includes if your cannon blows). 1st Offence: 1 Faction Strike. 2nd Offence: 2 Factions Strikes.
Counter Cannons ● Having more than 2 counter cannons on each side of your base is NOT allowed. ● Having more than 48 walls (6 chunks) on your counters it's NOT allowed. ● You must wait 10 minutes when switching between counter cannons. ● The usage of Buffer counters on shield is prohibited, you may only use side counters. 1st Offence: 1 Faction Strike & Removal of the Counters.
Active Raid One stackers are NOT considered as an active raid unless you can breach the base with it. But you must stop shooting when someone starts an actual raid attempt. 1st Offence: 1 Final Warning. 2nd Offence: 1 Faction Strike & Removal of the Cannon.
Insiding Inside means taking value from your faction in any way, tp’ing users into the base without the owner's consent and unclaiming land that causes your faction to get raided. 1st Offence: Compensation of the raided faction, Perma Ban the guilty & 1 Faction strike to the gaining faction.
Insiding For Another Faction It's the same with the rule 12 except you Inside your current faction to give value to another faction. 1st Offence: Compensation of the raided faction, Perma Ban the guilty & 1 Faction strike to the gaining faction.
Sharing Value Giving other factions wealth and/or using an ALT Faction in order to claim multiple F-top rewards is NOT allowed. 1st Offence: 2 Faction Strikes & Disband the Alt Faction. 2nd Offence: Disqualification from the F-Top rewards.
AFK On Top Of Your Walls/Other Factions Walls Since any sort of redstone raid detector system is disallowed, you must check your walls manually (e.g. Flying around, F-warps). This means that staying AFK on top of your walls is NOT allowed. Also, do NOT Repeatedly or purposefully go into faction claims and stay AFK to prevent them from being able to fly. 1st Offence:1 Final Warning & Send the player(s) to spawn. 2nd Offence: 1 Faction Strike & Temp Ban the player(s).
Scripting/Nuking Cane You are NOT allowed to use any form of scripting or clients in order to gain more value faster than anyone else. Using the F11 method to farm cane it's allowed, but you are NOT allowed to do it with multiple accounts and its required to stay on your PC while doing it. 1st Offence: 3 Faction Strikes, Perm Ban the player(s) who are involved & and removal of the value. 2nd Offence: Faction disqualification and disband. Lose your base and all of the players balances & Perm Ban the player(s) who are involved.
Illegal Teaming Having a faction help you with a raid/defend, or having another faction to set up a counter cannon for you whilst being raided, or switching members with them to help with a raid and then join your old faction back afterward is NOT allowed. 1st Offence: 1 Final Warning to each Faction. 2nd Offence: 2 Faction Strikes to each Faction.
Merging Merging value to win F-top prizes or creating other factions to claim multiple F-top rewards is NOT allowed. Merging in any way is forbidden. 1st Offence: 3 Faction Strikes to each Faction. 2nd Offence: Disqualification to both factions and disband. Lose your base and all of the players balances & Perm Ban the player(s) who are involved.
/Home, /Back Into Enemy Land You are NOT allowed to raid a base with a /home or /back command. You are also prohibited to use those commands to return on a previous location in enemy land, either because you died or because you cannoning. 1st Offence: 1 Final Warning. 2nd Offence: 1 Faction Strike & Temp Ban the player(s). 3rd Offence: 2 Faction Strikes & Perma Ban the player(s).
Stealing Raids When a faction breaches a base and you steal a good portion of the value by not wasting resources to get in the base it’s NOT allowed. 1st Offence: 1 Final Warning & Value that has been stolen will be added to the original faction that breached the base. 2nd Offence: 2 Faction Strikes & Value that has been stolen will be added to the original faction that breached the base.
Inappropriate Faction Name If a Faction use a name with anything that is deemed to be offensive (e.g.: racial slurs, homophobic slurs, server hate etc.) is strictly prohibited. 1st Offence: 1 Final Warning & Removal of the name. 2nd Offence: 2 Faction Strikes, Removal of the name & and Temp ban the player(s) who changed the name.
Raiding with F-Shield You can NOT set your base region to a cannon in order to raid someone with faction shield. 1st Offence: 1 Faction Strike, Removal of the Cannon & Temp Ban the player(s) involved. 2nd Offence: 2 Faction Strikes, Removal of the Cannon & Perm Ban the player(s) involved.
Blocked Warzone You are NOT allowed to spam gen buckets or chunk busting a big area around spawn in order to prevent players from running out. 1st Offence: 1 Faction Strike, Removal of the Grief & Temp ban the player(s) involved. 2nd Offence: 2 Faction Strikes, Removal of the Grief & Perm ban the player(s) involved.
Claiming Around Warzone You can ONLY have squares of 5x5 claims from each side of the warzone "N,E,S,W". Having more than that it's forbidden. 1st Offence: 1 Final Warning & Removal of the claims. 2nd Offence: 2 Faction strikes, Removal of the claims & Temp Ban the player(s) involved.
Using hacked modifications at a raid You are NOT allowed to use hacked modifications during a raid. If you do so and member of our Staff Team determine that you or a majority of members from both sides (the raiding and the defending faction) are caught cheating significantly affecting the raid by seriously changing the outcome of it, then depending on the situation a rollback may occur and the right punishments will be issued.
Allowed Cannons/Cannon Limits
Automated Sand Comp. Auto sand compressions that refills your sand for the next shot are NOT allowed. 1st Offence: 1 Faction Strike, Removal of the Cannon & Temp ban the player(s) involved. 2nd Offence: 2 Faction Strikes, Removal of the Cannon & Perm ban the player(s) involved.
Sand Comps Limit You are not allowed to use a cannon that has 3 or more sand comps (The limit is 2). 1st Offence: 1 Faction Strike, Removal of the Cannon & Temp ban the player(s) involved. 2nd Offence: 2 Faction Strikes, Removal of the Cannon & Perm ban the player(s) involved.
Dispenser Limit You are ONLY allowed to have a maximum of 3000 dispensers on your cannon. 1st Offence: 1 Faction Strike, Removal of the Cannon & Temp ban the player(s) involved. 2nd Offence: 2 Faction Strikes, Removal of the Cannon & Perm ban the player(s) involved.
Two Walls Per Shot You can’t have a cannon that shoots through more than 1 wall or reverse layer per button press. ONLY 1 wall per button press is allowed but two is NOT allowed. 1st Offence: 1 Faction Strike, Removal of the Cannon, Roll-Back the raided faction & Temp ban the player(s) involved. 2nd Offence: 2 Faction Strikes, Removal of the Cannon, Roll-Back the raided faction & Perm ban the player(s) involved.
Roof Cannons Roof cannons are NOT allowed. Roof cannons are described as any cannon that shoots TNT and/or sand at or above Y:256. 1st Offence: 1 Faction Strike, Removal of the Cannon, Roll-Back the raided faction & Temp ban the player(s) involved. 2nd Offence: 2 Faction Strikes, Removal of the Cannon, Roll-Back the raided faction & Perm ban the player(s) involved.
Multiple Wall Shooters You are NOT allowed to use multiple cannons to raid a base. This rule does not apply to one stackers but there is a limit of 2 cannons used at the same time. (e.g. 1 stacker with a reverse cannon). 1st Offence: 1 Faction Strike, Removal of the Cannon, Roll-Back the raided faction & Temp ban the player(s) involved. 2nd Offence: 2 Faction Strikes, Removal of the Cannon, Roll-Back the raided faction & Perm ban the player(s) involved.
Cannoning speed Cannons speeds are 3 seconds. This does not apply to one stackers as the speed limits are 1 second per shot. 1st Offence: 1 Faction Strike, Removal of the Cannon, Roll-Back the raided faction & Temp ban the player(s) involved. 2nd Offence: 2 Faction Strikes, Removal of the Cannon, Roll-Back the raided faction & Perm ban the player(s) involved.
Raiding At The Same Time Only 1 faction is allowed to attempt one certain base at a time. 1st Offence: 1 Final Warning. 2nd Offence: 1 Faction Strike. 3rd Offence: 2 Faction Strikes.
Mid Airs Mid airs of any kind are not allowed. 1st Offence: 1 Faction Strike, Removal of the Cannon, Roll-Back the raided faction & Temp ban the player(s) involved. 2nd Offence: 2 Faction Strikes, Removal of the Cannon, Roll-Back the raided faction & Perm ban the player(s) involved.
Overstackers /Pushnukes Overstackers and Pushnukes of any kind are NOT allowed. 1st Offence: 1 Faction Strike, Removal of the Cannon, Roll-Back the raided faction & Temp ban the player(s) involved. 2nd Offence: 2 Faction Strikes, Removal of the Cannon, Roll-Back the raided faction & Perm ban the player(s) involved.
U-Fusion You are NOT allowed to use U-Fusions in any way, either countering or raiding. 1st Offence: 1 Faction Strike, Removal of the Cannon, Roll-Back the raided faction & Temp ban the player(s) involved. 2nd Offence: 2 Faction Strikes, Removal of the Cannon, Roll-Back the raided faction & Perm ban the player(s) involved.
Raid Claim Rules
Raid Claim Size The maximum size of a raid claim is 9x9 (up to 81 claims). It doesn't matter how you claim it since they have to be equal to 81 claims. 1st Offence:1 Final Warning & Removal of the extra claims. 2nd Offence:1 Faction Strike, Removal of the claims & Temp Ban the player(s) who are involved.
General Raid Claim Rules ● Raid claims must be used for the intent to raid the faction ONLY. You are permitted to have 1 raid claim per side of a base. If you are making a new cannon box, you must unclaim the old cannon box before claiming a new one. ● You are ONLY allowed a maximum of 24 walls on each side of a cannon box excluding the cannon box itself. Anything that requires an additional shot to breach the cannon itself (e.g. Trap Wall) will count as a wall. ● All cannons MUST be claimed while shooting. ● Having an ocean in front of the cannon box is NOT allowed. You may only have one on the adjust box. ● Your walls of the cannon box may ONLY have one block gap in between them. Having more than one block will be considered as an ocean. 1st Offence: 1 Final Warning. 2nd Offence: 1 Faction Strike for each broken rule.
General Anti-Raid Claims ● Extending Your buffer Is NOT allowed. Anti-raid claims must be at a minimum of 5 chunks away from the end of your buffer and the maximum size of the anti raid claims is 5x5 chunks. ● Anti-Raid claims are limited to 2 Anti-Raid claims per side of your base. ● Anti-Raid claims must be separated by 5 chunks if close to another anti-raid claim (by the same faction). ● You are permitted to have outside your own base ONLY anti-raid claims. ● When the raid ends and the enemy faction has abandoned their raid claims you shall remove the anti-raid claims too. ● You are only allowed to claim anti-raid claims with the intent of counter cannoning or get on top of the cannon box. 1st Offence: 1 Final Warning. 2nd Offence: 1 Faction Strike for each broken rule.
Wilderness Patching You are NOT allowed to defend your buffer in the wilderness outside of your claim. This includes patching an enemy faction’s float or trying to blow up their barrel or by making straight line wilderness patches. 1st Offence: 1 Faction Strike, Removal of the patches & Temp Ban the player(s) who are involved.
Countering Shooting from behind an active cannon box is NOT allowed. 1st Offence: 1 Faction Strike & Roll back the cannon 2nd Offence: 2 Faction Strikes, Roll back the cannon & Temp ban the player(s) involved.
Raid Interfering You are NOT allowed to interfere with someone's raid. That means PVPing, blowing up the cannon or any other interference will result in a punishment. You are only allowed to watch the raid with no PvP involved. 1st Offence: 1 Final Warning. 2nd Offence: 1 Faction Strike. 3rd Offence: 2 Faction Strikes.
Base Buffer Rules
Buffer Limit The maximum buffer a faction is allowed to have is 15 chunks in each direction starting from the base wall. 1st Offence: 1 Final Warning. 2nd Offence: 1 Faction Strike & Removal of the extra claims. 3rd Offence: 2 Faction Strikes & Removal of the extra claims.
Oceans Oceans are only allowed in front of your main base and the maximum size is 1 chunk/16 blocks. 1st Offence: 1 Final Warning. 2nd Offence: 1 Faction Strike & Removal of the extended ocean. 3rd Offence: 2 Faction Strikes & Removal of the extended ocean.
Base Too Close There must be a 40 chunk gap in between bases. This includes your own faction having 2 bases next to each other which is NOT allowed. 1st Offence: 1 Final Warning. 2nd Offence: 1 Faction Strike & Removal of the base. 3rd Offence: 2 Faction Strikes & Removal of the base.
Scattered Boxes Boxes along the corner of the walls do NOT count as part of the main base. Any boxes in the buffer do not count as a base, regardless if they have value or not. 1st Offence: At the end of the map these boxes will not count for the payouts. You'll also receive strikes depending of the amount of value that has been placed on those boxes.
Gap Claiming Gap/unreachable bases or gap/unreachable cannon boxes are NOT allowed. 1st Offence: 1 Final Warning. 2nd Offence: 1 Faction Strike & Removal of the claims. 3rd Offence: 2 Faction Strikes & Removal of the claims.
Value Spreading Spawners must be placed in an actual grinder inside of your main base in order to be eligible for payouts. You are allowed to have a maximum of 3 spawner boxes inside your main base. Box height limit must be 64 blocks and more, with no lava floors in the grinders. You must use a dry platform which falling mobs must die from fall damage ONLY. If you decide to change base throughout the map, you must first make a ticket on our discord server to inform us about it, you must unclaim the old base and in order to be eligible for F-top payouts your new base is required to have a minimum of 10 chunk buffer (80 walls per side). 1st Offence: 1 Final Warning. 2nd Offence: 1 Faction Strikes. 3rd Offence: 2 Faction Strikes.
Base Size The maximum base size is 10x10 chunks and minimum size its 3x3. 1st Offence: 1 Final Warning. 2nd Offence: 1 Faction Strike & Resize of the base. 3rd Offence: 2 Faction Strikes & Resize of the base.
Corner Gap The maximum world border gap you can have on your main base is 1 chunk. This rule applies ONLY for corner bases. Border bases may have only 2 chunks gap from the world border. 1st Offence: 1 Verbal Warning. 2nd Offence: 1 Faction Strike & Rebuild of the base. 3rd Offence: 2 Faction Strikes & Rebuild of the base.
Illegal Defenses The following items are NOT allowed as a defense: ●Cactus ●Enchanting tables ●Brewing stands ●All variants of chests ●Levers ●Cakes ●Soulsand ●Torches ●Cobwebs ●Banners ●Cobblestone Walls ●Wooden/Iron fences ●Wooden/Iron Trap doors ●Pistons ●Slime blocks (Only for counter cannoning) ●Redstone dust ●Repeaters ●Comparators Defending with any unraidable blocks including the ones above is illegal. 1st Offence: 1 Faction Strike & Removal of the illegal defenses. 2nd Offence: 2 Faction Strikes & Removal of the illegal defenses.
Finnster Walls/Anti-Nuke Walls You are NOT allowed to have more than 1 chunk of Finnster/Anti-Nuke walls from each side. 1st Offence: 1 Final Warning. 2nd Offence: 1 Faction Strike & Removal of the finnster walls. 3rd Offence: 2 Faction Strikes & Removal of the finnster walls.
Regen Walls You are NOT allowed to have any form of regen wall inside your buffer. 1st Offence: 1 Final Warning. 2nd Offence: 1 Faction Strike & Removal of the regen walls. 3rd Offence: 2 Faction Strikes & Removal of the regen walls.
B-claiming Cheat claiming or B-claiming is when a player claims a good portion of an unclaimed area that is not fully claimed yet from a faction that owns a base nearby (e.g. Corner/Border claim). This rule ONLY applies during the grace period. 1st Offence: 1 Final Warning. 2nd Offence: 1 Faction Strike & Removal of the B-claims. 3rd Offence: 2 Faction Strikes & Removal of the B-claims.
General Corner Claiming Rules
Whoever claims the actual corner, will get the corner. All you need is one claim in the physical corner and then you claim the rest. Your faction may only have 1 corner at a time. Cheating to get a corner will result in an unclaim of the corner. 1st Offence: 1 Final Warning. 2nd Offence: 1 Faction Strike & Removal of the claims. 3rd Offence: 2 Faction Strikes & Removal of the claims.
Hiding Value
Hiding value in any way is NOT allowed throughout the competition. No loopholes are admitted. All these rules are NOT activated during grace but only when the TNT enables
● All of your value must be put into an actual base (Base with walls, Set up grinders, etc.) and you cannot spread your value out throughout multiple bases, unclaimed storage vaults, inside of ANY container such as (chests, trap chests, dispensers, droppers etc.) also in echests, F-Chest, inventories and alternative accounts. You are allowed to keep the spawners placed in different boxes as long as all of the boxes are a part of the main base. For more info about the boxes read (Base Buffer Rules No.6 Value Spreading) ● Keeping a huge amount of money with the intention of buying spawners in the future is NOT allowed. ● A faction is allowed to have 100 million total hidden value at all times between all faction members balances. All faction members must have the maximum of 10 Million balance and the rest of the faction balance must be kept in the Faction Bank or by the leader of the Faction. ● Once you raid a faction you have 4 hours to place the value obtained with no restrictions. Purposely hiding it may (and most likely will) result in a punishment. ● Once you get raided you have 4 hours of hiding immunity, which means that you are allowed to hide value from retrieved spawners or any extra value for a whole day. After that the rest of your remaining value must be placed with no restrictions. ● While you are on F-shield you are allowed to keep a good portion or your value on your balance, but you must place it before your F-shield disables.
Disobeying those rules your faction will not receive ANY rewards from the F-top payouts. Punishment lengths depends on the severity of the rule break.
1st Offence: 2 Faction Strikes & Removal of hidden Value. 2nd Offence: 3 Faction Strikes & Removal of hidden Value. 3rd offence: Faction disqualification and disband. Lose your base and all of the players balances.
Faction Punishments/Strikes/Bans
Before receiving a strike depending from the severity of the rule breaking you’ll receive a “Final Warning”. After that, Breaking another offence will result in a strike. When a faction receives a strike we will announce it on our discord server and inform the leader of the faction. You also get strikes if a certain amount of your faction members gets banned. The ban striking system starts after the grace period ends. The staff team will inform the factions about the value that was taken after the map ends.
Here are the following punishments:
1st Strike 10% of the factions value taken. 2nd Strike 20% of the factions value taken. 3rd Strike 30% of the factions value taken. 4th Strike 40% of all factions value taken. 5th Strike 50% of the factions value taken. 6th Strike 70% of the factions value taken. 7th Strike 90% of the factions value taken. 8th Strike Faction disqualification and disband. Lose your base and all of the players balances.
2 bans = 1 strikes. 3 bans = 2 strikes. 5 bans = 5 strikes.
Amount 8 Faction disqualification and disband. Lose your base and all of the players balances.
NOTE: Keep in mind that the rules intend to change every so often. Not knowing the rules is not a valid reason for breaking them.
A special thank you to TIKCUS_ staff member of the SerpentFactions team for his tremendous amount of time and work he put into these rules! All credits belong to him!
Last updated